Saturday, February 28, 2009

Optimising an Opportunity

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As the days passed, many new opportunities are brewing. Its really time to grab them and optimise it. 

What exactly am I saying by optimising an opportunity?

You see opportunities does not come to us all the time and if we don’t fully take advantage of it, it will pass us by very fast and end up we don’t really gain anything.

For example.

Given the opportunity to speak at an event. Furthermore its free. So what can we do to promote what we do.

Besides giving the knowledge they are there for that event. Develop a way to mention your activities in the talk. Develop a way to mention names and develop a way to gain trust among the audience.

Even though I do Internet Marketing and engage my audiences online. Do you think I don’t do offline marketing also? In fact you can and you should. Treat any promotion like as though you run a business. We need to have online and offline mechanisms to promote whatever we do.

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