Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Weekly Inspirations from the Quran

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In the name of Allah swt the master of the universe,

The idea of this project was thought of a few weeks ago. I was holding on to the physical copy of the Weekly Inspirations of the Quran printed by Faithhub and the quotes really inspired me to take it off to another level.

With the same system being used for Abang Abu's MAP2BRICH, we've implemented this with the help by Bro Mehboob from Faithhub. With permission from Bro Mehboob, we were able to get the quotes from him to create this program where you will be emailed 104 quotes every 7 days. This will last you exactly two years.

Couldn't we just give it FREE?

Honestly we can give it away free, however will you really value it? Will you delete that email when you receive it? Will you give your time to understand truly what the ayat really means?

That is why we are charging you a small fee. So that you will understand the value of this and you will read it and more importantly you will remember Allah swt because without him we don't exist and this program will not exist either.

In synergy, my company ISLAMICSG NETWORKS LLP have agreed to give back 50% of the profits to Faithhub where they could use to run their FREE talks and events. May Allah swt bless them and insyallah bring this project to greater heights. Ameen.

To receive the emails for these quotes, please visit [...]

Visit http://www.fadzuli.com for the FULL article.


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