Saturday, March 20, 2010

Writing Your Success Stories

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success This is part 3 of the success story. Practise this every day... In the previous email I wrote about seeding. Information is being planted in every one of us including myself whether its good or bad. How we nurture this seed is really up to the person who seeds it. When grown right and ripe, your life will be sweet and great and when done wrong it will turn otherwise. Hence let's nurture the Good Seeds. Success Will Breed Success Your success story will influence others and that becomes a seed for others. That seed becomes an inspiration to be just like you and to be where you are. Yes start writing that success. Small deals, big deals.. who cares. Celebrate that success. These stories are priceless. Eventually through these stories, you will win your fans, you will breed more successful people, you will be the Center of Influence. What is the Center of Influence? We'll share it with you another day.. "We cannot change people, but we can Inspire people... " That is actually a seeding process. Just plant the right seeds into them and you'll see how they GO. :) Yes! share your success with the world. ---------------------------------- Alhamdulilah, we have receive several entries yesterday. If you wish to share your success story, write in to Fadzuli Internet Business for Entrepreneurs Seminar ( Seminar Worth$1997 ) >> For UIS and WOW participants >> $180 only To register, please go to

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